Turbo plan

Turbo is Snapshot's pro plan tailored for spaces, designed to enhance and streamline your governance with a suite of advanced features.


  • Enhanced monitoring service Monitoring of proposals for spam or scam, with flagged content reported within a maximum delay of 2 hours.

  • Expanded proposal content limit Increase in the maximum character limit for proposal content from 10,000 to 40,000 characters.

  • Increased proposal submission limit Increase the limit of proposals from 20 to 40 daily and from 100 to 200 monthly.

  • Customizable whitelabel interface Customization of the Snapshot interface with Client's branding, including a custom domain, colors, and logo.

  • Extended voting strategies Increase in the number of voting strategies available to the Client from 8 to 10.

  • Enhanced visibility Promotion of the Client's presence with higher ranking on the snapshot.org homepage and in search results.

  • Promote your first proposal We will relay your first proposal on Snapshot in our social accounts to give higher visibility.

  • Dedicated Telegram support group Access to a dedicated Telegram support channel with a maximum response time of 4 hours.

  • Service Level Agreement (SLA) Assurance of high-standard service and responsiveness.


For those interested in taking their governance to the next level with Turbo, the plan is priced at $6,000 a year. To learn more or to subscribe, please reach out to us on Help Center or Discord or Telegram.

Last updated